Inaccuracy Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimers * MSRP does not include destination and delivery charges, tax, title, and registration fees. Destination and delivery includes handling and inland freight fees and may vary in some states. Prices, specifications, options, features, and models subject to change without notice. Select colors may be subject to an additional charge. See retailer for more information.

The materials displayed on this website, including but not limited to all text, audio, video, images, photographs, illustrations, artwork, animation files and other graphics, names, logos, trademarks, and service marks, are property of Causeway Marine or its affiliated companies or its licensors and are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. This site may be displayed, downloaded, and/or printed solely for your personal, non-commercial home use, provided that you do not delete or modify any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices. Any other use of the material on this site without the prior written consent of Causeway Marine is strictly prohibited.


Causeway Marine reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice or obligation to the information contained on this Internet site, prices, incentive programs, specifications, equipment, colors, materials, product illustrations and to change or discontinue models. All prices are based upon Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Prices (‘MSRP’) in U.S. dollars (unless otherwise indicated) and exclude taxes, title fees, licensing, options, and destination charges unless specifically included. Causeway Marine is an independent business and is free to set their own retail prices. All information contained at this Internet site is intended for the USA market only.